“কিপ ক্যাডেট কলেজ ক্যাম্পেইন”

মুহাম্মদের আগের পোস্টটি পড়ছিলাম যেটি উইকিপিডিয়ার ক্যাডেট কলেজের ইতিহাস বিষয়ক একটি ফিচার নিয়ে লেখা । সেটি পড়তে গিয়েই স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী বাংলাদেশের প্রথম দিকের “কিপ ক্যাডেট কলেজ ক্যাম্পেইন” এর কথা মনে পড়ে গেলো । আমরা অনেকেই হয়তো এটার কথা জানিনা। তাই সবার সাথে শেয়ার করলাম। বিশাল এই আর্টিকেলটি লিখেছেন ফৌজদারহাট ক্যাডেট কলেজের ১৩ তম ব্যাচের খাদেম ভাই। আমাদের এই ব্লগটি যেহেতু বাংলায় তাই আর্টিকেলটা বাংলায় অনুবাদ করে দেয়া উচিত ছিল। কিন্তু চিরাচরিত আইলসা স্বভাবের ক্যাডেট হওয়ায় ডজ দিলাম। আবার এরকম দূর্দান্ত একটা ঘটনা সবার সাথে শেয়ার করার লোভও সামলাতে পারছিনা। ছোট ভাইরা কেউ যদি কষ্ট করে অনুবাদ করে দেয় তাহলে বাধিত হবো।

-ফৌজিয়ান/৩৯ তম/৯২-৯৮/এফ সি সি


1. I am apt to believe that ‘Former & Present Cadets’ from all other cadet colleges were neither told nor informed by anyone the ‘HISTORY’ of Existence of Cadet Colleges in Bangladesh’.

2. To recall the ‘History of disolving and re-emergence of cadet colleges in Bangladesh’, I must go back to the most agonising days and months of 1972/73. And I believe, CCCL members from FCC shouldand must pass these historical facts to cadets of all other cadetcolleges. If my memory doesn’t fail me, I would like to recall belowin brief and short, those ‘Historical days/months of 1972/73, when the fate of cadet colleges were unfolding as the events took place:

a) Mr Tofael Ahmed (Pol Secy to Banghabandhu) visits FCC in 1972 to open student political wing at FCC.

b) Under the leadership & able enthusiastic guidance of M Anwarul Haque (12/FCC), 5 of us (M Anwarul Haque (12), Late Quayyumul Huda (12), M A Tarek (12), M Nurur Rahman (12)and myself had a meeting at the then ‘Shahjahan House’ that we MUST NOT allow student politics in FCC and all other cadet colleges; we must mobilize and draw attention of all student cadets from 12th to 17th batches of FCC to refrain from attending the “meeting” at the FCC auditorium to be addressed by Mr Tofael Ahmed.

c) The directives given to me by M Anwarul Haque (12) were to imbibe in the mind, heart & soul of the student cadets of 15th, 16th & 17th batches, (because, I had better PR with the cadets from those junior batches, many of them still call me “ustad” and I really, till today, love them all) the idea of ‘NO STUDENT POLITICS in Cadet Colleges’; thus ‘refraining’ them from attending the “meeting” at the FCC auditorium to be addressed by Mr Tofael Ahmed. Thanks a lot with gratitude and through my memory recalls to all OFns Anwar Shahid
(15), Capt Rtd Amin 15, Col rtd Rahman 15, late Mizanur Rahman (16), Mahbub Anam 16, Ahmed Ismail Hossain 16, Zakaria Mannan 16, Brig Mollah Fazle Akbar 16, Maj Gen Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan 16, Majumder 16
(shipping), Moyeen 16, Mustaque 16, Iftekhar 16, Ahmed Yousuf Hossain17, Brig Sohel (17) and many many others for standing for a cause and supporting our theme “no student politics at cadet colleges”. We
also ensured thru Mr M Nasir Choudhury (the then acting Principal FCC) that NO TEACHERS attend the said meeting.

RESULT: 100% success. Only a handful of a few (5 or 6 only) from one batch attended, and Mr Tofael Ahmed returned empty handed, angered and disgusted on cadet Colleges.

d) Therefater, within 10 days, one fine night, we learnt thru Radio/TV/ newspapers that Cadet Colleges has been abolished; and all cadet colleges would henceforth be considered “Sorkari Colleges” under the m/o Edn.

e) The news of abolition and dissolution of cadet colleges (at the time 4 cadet colleges only, FCC being the 1st and the seniormost) rocked our heart, our soul bleed, our mind tormented. We were highly depressed and down under; but “what can we do? Govt decision is govt decision..” said someone, I wouldn’t name!!

f) That govt decision of abolishing cadet colleges called for urgent and bold steps and decisions by the cadets – and former & the then students from FCC, being the pioneer Cadet College in Bangladesh
did not fail in their approach and endeavors. Do former cadets or for that matter any CCCL member from other cadet collegs know these facts – I guess NOT??!!

g) Our leader OFn M Anwarul Haque vai (12) called for ‘urgent meeting of the Group of 5’ at Shajahan House regarding ‘What should we and what must we do, to keep cadet colleges in Bangladesh?’

h) It was resolved that we mobilize and inculcate the ideas of favorable opinion in all student cadets from all batches (12 thru 17 of FCC) to keep cadet colleges in Bangladesh. The name for our endeavors were decided to be “Keep Cadet Colleges Campaign”.

i) Our idea and endeavor was supported by all student cadets from 12th thru 17th batches of FCC; and M Anwarul Haque vai was chosen to be our undisputed LEADER to guide us and lead us to reach our ONE & ONLY goal & objective – ‘Keep Cadet Colleges in Bangladesh’.

j) We met first with the then two of our OFn teachers namely: Late M Zakirullah sir and Mr Mahbub Alam Bhuiyan sir, and they supported our endeavors whole heartedly – thus giving impetus to our efforts. We
also got moral support from all FCC teachers at the time. However, a few of them were quick and over enthusiastic in changing the names of the 4 houses at FCC. …..And there was rivalry for the Principalship
too amongst 4 senior teachers!!!

k) We made contacts with many senior OFns in Chittagong & Dhaka to help us in our efforts and endeavors to keep cadet colleges in Bangladesh. They all supported enthusiastically. A few of us had to
take leave from college for 3 to 4 days many times to go to Chittagong city and to go to Dhaka to mobilize our “Keep Cadet Colleges Campaign” efforts with other senior Faujians in Govt service and in the army (most of our senior army officers were under the custody in Pakistan, the freedom fighters in BD Army were
posted in different cantonments and Col ASM Nasim vai was the MSP to the President Banghabandhu) – but he couldn’t do much against the govt decision. It took agonising months with no fruits! …

l) One fine morning, we were lucky to finally meet OFn Choudhury M Mohsin vai (4) at his Elephant Rd residence in Dhaka. (I recall, 4 of us finished about 5 kgs of Tangail sweets and rosomolai in his freeze as he went to take shower and his wife wasn’t home!) He suggested that we visit and meet Brig Ziaur Rahman (later President of Bangladesh 1977 Oct – ’81 May) for help and guidance. Accordingly, setting up an appointment, M Anwarul Haque vai, Quayyum vai, Nurur Rahman vai, Tarek vai and myself met with Brig Ziaur Rahman at his Dhaka Cantt residence on a fine evening.

m) After our indepth and fruitful discussions, Brig Ziaur Rahman called Gen (Rtd) M A G Osmani (the then Minister for Shipping at the Banghabandhu cabinet) over phone and talked about the fate of cadet colleges and its needs with Gen Osmani. Brig Zia was kind enough to set up an appointment for us with Gen Osmani, and we were told to meet the General the very next day at 7:30 a.m. at his official residence at Minto Road (now Office of the Commissioner of DMP).

n) I recall, I passed sleepless night with Nuru vai & Quayyum vai at my eldest brother’s residence at Siddeshwari. Sleepless, because, we realized that Gen Osmani was our LAST THROW OF THE DICE. The fate and luck of all 4 the then cadet colleges in Bangladesh would be decided the following day. “If Gen Osmani fails”, as Brig Zia said the night before, “none can help to keep cadet colleges in Bangladesh..
“…..Then the next morning, I remember, 5 of us reaching Gen Osmani’s Minto Road residence at about 7:10 a.m., where his servants were engaged in cleaning the downstairs hallways and rooms and we were
told to wait in the PA’s room downstairs PA’s arrival.

PA reached at about 7:35 a.m. and as we said, “we have an appopintment with the General for 7:30”. The PA said in “Syhetee Bangla” that the General was taking shower and would then take breakfast and go to BD Secretariat. He suggested that we go to BD Secretariat etc etc … not willing to let us meet the General at his

We could hear the General’s voice upstairs, so we started talking aloud with the PA, so as to draw the attention of ears of the General. It worked! The General asked in “Sylhetee Bangla” to his PA what was going on downstars? The PA told him that few cadets from FCC was here to meet & talk to him; and then and there, the General said, “Boys come on up”. Rushed — we did – and saw him having breakfast at the dinning table. He offered us breakfast too – toasted bread and eggs and tea. We were hungry and loved it too.

o) As we discussed, we realized that General Osmani, being a member of the Cabinet, didn’t know about the Govt decisions of abolishing cadet colleges at all. He showed and expressed his annoyance and
disgust, and ensured that he would “take up the matter with Banghabandhu today”. We were thrilled and delighted. So, after breakfasting, we hop in with the General into his 1967 Toyota Corona white car and reach for BD Secretariat at about 9:25 a.m. However, his over smart PA, who was unwilling to let us meet the General, was told to come thru other means of transport (probably he came by rickshaw) to office quickly! We reached his 10th floor Ministry of Shipping office at around 9:35 a.m.

p) The General let us into the Minister’s (Genreal Osmani’s) chamberand we set there having tea and biscuits every 30/40 minutes. Inbetween the General would take the RED PHONE and call Banghabandhu,
but with no avail; because, Bangabandhu was yet to reach office. He tried sevaral times more, but same end results! Strangely, we noticed, the General was not going through any official files at his desk, not to talk of signing any. The Secretary of the Ministry entered once with seemingly an important file, but the Minister
General Osmani said, “I have these fine cadets from Faujdarhat Cadet College, I will NOT sign any papers today till I finalize the fate of cadet colleges with Banghabandhu” . The Secy smiled at us & left, and
was not seen coming back till we departed his office at about 3:35 p.m. that day. He also told his PS (now the Advisor for Ministry of Foreign Affairs) that “no other visitors today”.

q) Finally, the General got Banghabandhu over the RED phone at about 10:35 a.m. He wanted to know from Bangabandhu, “who advised him to abolish cadet colleges and when & how cadet colleges were abolished without his knowledge?” He was very annoyed and disgusted as he talked in Bangla and in English with Banghabandhu. His talks emphasised highly on the “needs for cadet colleges education to stay and cancellation of the PO” in this regard.

We couldn’t hear, and we didn’t dare to ask the General later, what Banghabandhu was telling him over phone. His final words before hanging up the RED phone were: “If cadet colleges stay, I stay, otherwise, I resign.” We don’t know what Banghabandhu told him from the other end. The mood was intense and heavy we didn’t dare ask the General about Banghabandhu said to him!!

r) The General then called his PS (now the Advisor of Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and gave a dictation in English on the need for keeping cadet colleges education in Bangladesh and on the efficacy of cadet colleges. The dictated synopsis was typed and readied in minutes and placed in front of the General by his PS; which, he read and signed. Then he stood, took the file, and said to us: “Boys wish me luck!” He left at 11:15 a.m. with the file containing the fate & legacy of cadet colleges in Bangladesh, to have the final meeting & final decision with Banghabandhu. Cadet colleges – their fate, their history and their legacy would be written & decided within the next hours! After what the General said a few minutes earlier, “If cadet colleges stay, I stay, otherwise, I resign” – that was the MOST HISTORIC DAY for all cadet colleges in Bangladesh (I wish, I could recall the exact date; could anyone active in our “Keep Cadet Colleges Campaign” group provide me further historical accurate feedback from their memory tank pls?)

s) Every minutes passed seemed like hours to me; and all of us! The fate of our “Alma Matter”, the fate of Faujdarhat Cadet College and 3 other Cadet Colleges in Bangladesh were hanging in the balance! Our hearts were beating faster by the minutes. ……….I can recall
reminiscing my Faujian days from the afternoon, of that Saturday, the 9th July 1966 (the day I entered FCC) till that moment. ………..I could hear the echoes of our collective cheers (Come on Blues..Come
on Reds…, Come on Greens …, Come on Yellows…., Come on FCC…), of our collective laughter, of our wails and cries and all the sweetest memories, all the catcalls, all the mischiefs, all the adventures at the play grounds of Faujdarhat; and on the 185 acres of OUR MOST MEMORABLE & BELOVED land at FCC; and felt deep in my heart – is this the last day of our hopes and aspirations for keeping cadet colleges in Bangladesh?

Will Banghabandhu be willing ro retract the Presidential Ordinance (PO) he signed and restore cadet colleges as they were before …..? ……….Why isn’t the General returning – the clock was ticking …… minutes after minutes gone by, it was 2:35p.m. Several times we went down the lift to see if the General was back? And finally, suddenly, at about 3:15p.m. the General was at the corridor of the 10th floor with file in his hand.

We rushed in towards him, as we could see a cute smile through his unique Moustache, but we weren’t sure till he uttered the golden verses “Boys, cadet colleges gonna stay”. I shouted at the top
of my voice, “Hip hip Horray .. all others also said aloud, “Hip hip Horray”. I can vividly recollect those scenes with great delight and joy till today after 36 long years! We all formally bowed our traditional ‘salaam’ to the General. Long Live Genreal Osmani.

I believe, we MUST declare General Osmani as the Father of Cadet Colleges in Bangladesh, as Field Marshal Ayub Khan was during Pakistan time.

t) I remember then calling the Acting FCC Principal Mr Nasir Choudhury from the General’s office to convey this most exhilarating news; and requested him to kindly remove the sign board he placed immediately after the earlier PO for abolishing cadet colleges, which read, “Faujdarhat Sorkari College” at the entrance point of FCC adjacent to the Grand Trunk Road. He said, he would, and he did, before we reached back to FCC the next morning. He also said, “Dekho, amaar chairta thikh rekhoo” (Look, try to keep my Chair, undisturbed) .

u) My sincerest gratitude and love to all those who were part of the team for our endeavors at that time 36 years back. After long 36 years, I can only remember the names of 7/8 of the OFns from 12, 13,15, 16, 17 batches of FCC, who were actively participants with us under the Leadership of M Anwarul Haque vai (12) in the “Keep Cadet Colleges Campaign” both in Dhaka and in Chittagong and also at FCC campus. We must know the exact and accurate names of all the OFns who were with us in 1972/73 in the “Keep cadet College Campaign”.

v) The CCCL may consider honoring this group of Faujians by conferring “Valid Membership Status of CCCL without Fees”; because, we would not have 12 cadet colleges in Bangladesh today without collective and selfless efforts and endeavors of this group of former cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet College; and the CCCL would not be as big as it is today without the efforts of the dynamic former cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet College of 1972. The whole nation is and will be honoring the valid “free Fighters” of our Liberation War till the last one is alive; why not the CCCL & all other cadet colleges honor the former cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet College, whose collective endeavors, strivings, initiatives resulted in reviving Cadet College
education in Bangladesh – giving re-birth to a dead case – abolished, gone & dusted in 1972.

w) And all cadets, past & present from all cadet colleges should be knowing these historical moments and events for keeping cadet college education up and running in Bangladesh. Hats off to all members of
former cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet College, who led from the front, and at the time of dire need to keep the motto of FCC alive : “Deeds not Words” – certainly, they showed “DEEDS” – kept cadet colleges in Bangladesh alive & running and it will remain today and always!!

x) Finally, the time has come, the call of the hour is to unite all former cadets from all cadet colleges in Bangladesh to be bonded as brothers, co-workers, friends. Remember, Allah has given us two EYES,
to see and to look around, to admire, to appreciate His vast creation and nature. I am sure, cadets from all cadet colleges will be viewing and enjoying the previledge of being cadets of any cadet college with
elongated vision & mind set; not with narrower vision & mind set!!! Let the former cadets from FCC take the lead in the leadership of CCCL, and give it a new momentum to make it a Club for all cadets of
all cadet colleges in Bangladesh and to be a club, second to none in the country in all its deeds and activities.

N.B. :
aa) Readers comments and feedback will be appreciated pls. Pls do not hesitate to refresh my memories in order to put the historical facts right regarding “Keep Cadet Colleges Campaign” and its’ active participants and events 36 years back!

bb) The facts narrated above were based on my exact memory recalls, not from hearing from anyone else! M Anwarul Haque vai, Nurur Rahman vai, Tarek vai, C M Mohsin vai, Nasim vai, Anwar Shahid, and many
others are still alive. We would like to receive their exact memory recalls too. These were not to hurt any, but to lay a foundation to set the historical facts on the contribution of FCC & its products -the former cadets of FCC straight for future historical authentic ref by all cadets of all other cadet colleges.

cc) Long live FCC and all OFns, Long live All cadet colleges and all former cadets from all cadet colleges in Bangladesh!! Let’s be a team and be grateful to the nation for enabling us to study at cadet colleges – the most privileged & respected students in Bangladesh.

Once a Faujian, forever a Faujian

Minoo Khadem/13

৭,০৭০ বার দেখা হয়েছে

২৬ টি মন্তব্য : ““কিপ ক্যাডেট কলেজ ক্যাম্পেইন””

  1. কুচ্ছিত হাঁসের ছানা 99 mcc

    ত্যালা ত্যালা.... সরি ভাই, আমি গাউ গ্যারামের পুলা, ইংলিশ বুজ কম। RSP পরীক্ষা দিয়া মথা গরম, পর্বার ইচ্ছা কর্তাচে না। বাংলা কর্কেউ, তার্পরে পর্মু। ধন্যবাদ। ঢিঁচ্চু।

    জবাব দিন
  2. হায় হায় আমি তো কোন অজানা ঘটনা জানতে পারলাম না। জেন. ওসমানীকেও স্যালুট দিতে পারলাম না। ডকু সম্বন্ধে মন্তব্যও দিতে পারলাম না।
    আমি তো এইটার অনুবাদের জন্য ওয়েট করতেসি! কবে আসবে?

    জবাব দিন
  3. আলসেমী করার জন্য অনেক দেরীতে পড়লাম, কাজটা ঠিক করি নাই। আবার ক্যাডেট হওয়ার কারণে পাওয়া দায়িত্বগুলো মনে পড়ে গেলো।
    কয়েকদিন আগেই একজনের সাথে মতান্তর হয়েছে, তার মতে রাজনৈতিক চেতনা ছাড়া দেশের জন্য কাজ করা সম্ভব নয়। আমি ব্যাপারটা সমর্থন করি না। পোস্টটা পড়ে দ্বিতীয়বারের মত ব্যাপারটা অনুভব করলাম (কেবলই আমার মত, কারও মেনে নিতে না ইচ্ছে করলে মানবেন না)
    জ়েনারেল ওসমানীর প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা দশগুণ বেড়ে গেলো। অবশ্যই নেক্সট রি-ইউনিয়নে ব্যাপারটা তোলার চেষ্টা করবো।

    জবাব দিন
  4. আশিক (১৯৯৬-২০০২)

    আহেম...অনুবাদ না একটা হওয়ার কথা ছিলো...সেইটা কই? 😛 অনুবাদের লোভে স্ক্রল করে নিচে চলে আসছি...কিন্তু পাইলাম না! 🙁
    যাই, আবার উপরে গিয়ে ইংরেজিটাই পড়ি 😕

    জবাব দিন

মন্তব্য করুন

দয়া করে বাংলায় মন্তব্য করুন। ইংরেজীতে প্রদানকৃত মন্তব্য প্রকাশ অথবা প্রদর্শনের নিশ্চয়তা আপনাকে দেয়া হচ্ছেনা।