গাজার শিশুরা প্রতিদিন নিহত হচ্ছে। হত্যা করা হচ্ছে নারীদের, নিরীহ মানুষকে। গাজা আর পশ্চিম তীরে খোলা আকাশের কারাগার বানিয়েছে যুদ্ধবাজ জায়নবাদীরা। মানুষকে ক্ষুধার্ত আর চিকিৎসাহীন রেখে এতোদিন প্যালেস্টাইনিদের নিরবে হত্যা করেছে ওরা। আর এখন স্থল-সমুদ্র আর আকাশ পথে হাজার হাজার টন বোমা, বিস্ফোরক, মিসাইল আর লাখ লাখ রাউন্ড গুলি ছুড়ে নিশ্চিহ্ন করতে চাইছে ১৫ লাখ মানুষকে। প্রতিদিন গণহত্যা আর ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ দেখে-পড়ে রক্তে আগুন ধরে যায়। কিন্তু নপুংসক আমি পারিনা অস্ত্র হাতে এই দানবদের বিরুদ্ধে দাঁড়াতে। এই ক্ষোভে-অপমানেই আজ বিশ্বে প্রতিদিন জন্ম নিচ্ছে অসংখ্য ‘মুসলিম টেররিস্ট’।
দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধে হিটলার আর তার গেস্টাপো বাহিনী ইহুদী সম্প্রদায়ের বিরুদ্ধে যে গণহত্যা চালিয়েছিল তার প্রতিশোধ নিচ্ছে আজ নব্য হিটলার জায়নবাদীরা আরব প্যালেস্টাইনি জনগোষ্ঠীকে নির্বিচারে হত্যা আর নির্যাতনের মাধ্যমে। সমরবাদী ইসরাইলের ভেতর থেকেও প্রতিবাদ ওঠছে। জাগছে মানুষ। ইসরাইল মানবতার বিরুদ্ধে, সত্যেরও বিরুদ্ধে।
আমি তাই আজ থেকে প্রতিদিন প্রতিমূহুর্তে প্রতিবাদ জানাবো। আমার সিসিবি প্রোফাইল আর ফেসবুক প্রোফাইলে প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকা জড়িয়ে রাখবো। যতোদিন গাজায় ইজরাইলি আগ্রাসন চলবে, নারী-শিশুরা নিহত হবে, হোয়াইট ফসফরাসে ঝলসে যাবে ওরা ততদিন চলবে আমার প্রতিবাদ। তোমরা সবাই চাইলে আসো আমরা ব্লগটাকে মুড়ে দিই প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকায়।
এভাবেই পৃথিবীটা দিন দিন বিষাক্ত হয়ে যাচ্ছে। এই বিষাক্তকরণ প্রক্রিয়ার চালক জায়নবাদী ইসরায়েলীরা।

নিজে কিছুই করতে পারছি না, এজন্য নিজেকে ধিক্কার দিতে ইচ্ছে করছে। নিজেকে খুব অপরাধী মনে হচ্ছে। এই পোস্টের সাথে একাত্মতা পোষণ করে কিছুটা হলেও সেই অপরাধের বোঝা কমাই:
আসুন আমরা ব্লগটাকে মুড়ে দিই প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকায়
জিহাদ, কামরুল, আর বাকি টেকিরা : প্রোফাইলে ছবিটা পাল্টে প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকা আপলোড করেছি। এখনো আসছে না কেন?
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
আমি তো আপনার প্রোফাইলে প্যালেস্টাইনের পতাকাই দেখতে পাচ্ছি।
আমি পাচ্ছি না।
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
ধন্যবাদ মুহাম্মদ। টেম্প আর কুকি পরিস্কার করার পর এখন দেখতে পাচ্ছি।
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
একটা প্রসঙ্গ বলা হয়নি। হামাস। একটা তৃতীয় শ্রেণীর সন্ত্রাসী সংগঠন। ইসরাইলিদের হাতে অজুহাত তুলে দেয়ার জন্য এদের দায় কম নয়। কয়েকটা রকেট মেরে সমরবাদী ইসরাইলিদের শায়েস্তা করবে এরা? ১৩টা ইসরাইলির বিপরীতে প্যালেস্টাইনি নিহতের সংখ্যা হাজার ছাড়িয়েছে। পারলে হাজারে মার, না পারলে অহিংস আন্দোলন কর। ট্যাংকের সামনে শুয়ে পর হাজার হাজার মানুষ। লাখ-লাখ মানুষ খালি হাতে সব সীমানা ভেঙ্গে ইউরোপের দিকে হাটতে থাক। এতো কষ্ট করছিস, না হয় মাওয়ের মতো হাজার-হাজার মাইলের একটা লং-মার্চ কর।
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
হামাস পুরা ঘরের শত্রু... :chup:
ঐ দেখা যায় তালগাছ, তালগাছটি কিন্তু আমার...হুঁ
হামাস স্বার্থের কাছে বন্দি মনে হয়। যেমন চুপচাপ পশ্চিম তীরে বসবাসকারিরা।
পালটে দেবার স্বপ্ন আমার এখনও গেল না
অনেক্ষণ মন্তব্য পাতা খুলে বসে আছি।
কি লিখব.....আঙ্গুল সরছে না।
চলুক তবে ব্লগটাকে প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকায় মুড়ে দেয়ার প্রচেষ্টা।
Life is Mad.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
সানা ভাই, আপনার এই লেখা পড়ে আমার প্রোফাইল পিকচারটা সাথে সাথে পালটে দিলাম
কয়েকদিন আগে একটা আর্টিকল পড়ছিলাম শ্রীলংকার এক সাংবাদিকের লেখা, ঐটাতে এই কবিতাটা ছিল খুব ভালো লেগেছে তাই সবার সাথে শেয়ার করছি,
"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me."
আপু, কবিতাটা চমৎকার।
:thumbup: :thumbup:
আপনারে আমি খুঁজিয়া বেড়াই
সেলিনা আপু, কবিতাটা ভাল লেগেছে :thumbup: । অনেকদিন পর আবার আসলেন। এডিটেড হলে তো নিয়মিত লেখার কথা। ডিলিটেড হয়ে যাবেন না কিন্তু।
সামিয়ার "বিষ্টি ধোয়া স্বপ্ন" পোষ্টে দেখলাম আপনার ছাত্র আমিন (৯৬-০২) বি মাইনাস দেয়ার কারনে অভিযোগ তুলেছে। ম্যাডাম এর বিচার চাচ্ছে। ওর সাহস কত দেখেছেন?
খুব মন খারাপ হয়ে যায়। কিছু করতে না পারার অপরাধবোধও পেয়ে বসে! 🙁
মন থেকে একাত্ততা ঘোষনা করলাম। :thumbup:
সিসিবির হোম পেজে একটা প্রতিবাদ থিম করা যায় কিনা এ ব্যপারে মডুদের মনযোগ আকর্ষন করছি।
ভাইয়া,আমার মেজাজ খুব খারাপ হয়ে যাইতেসে মুসলিম নেতাদের কাজ দেখে...কি করে তারা বসে বসে!!!!!!!
একটূ পর পর নেটে ঢুকি আর মন খারাপ হয়ে যায়......
আমাদের এই খানে অনেক প্যালেস্টাইনি ছেলে আছে। ফরেনারদের সাথে আমি তেমন মিশি পারিনা- একমাত্র এই প্যালেস্টাইনীগুলো ছাড়া। গত কয়েকদিন সত্যিকার অর্থেই ওদের মুখের দিকে তাকানো যাচ্ছেনা। প্রাণশক্তিতে ভরপুর ওরাও দিন পর দিন রুমের দরজা বন্ধ করে বসে আসে- ক্লাসে যায় না, যেতে অনুরোধ করলে বলে- কী হবে ক্লাস করে। এখন পর্যন্ত সবার বাবা- মাই সুস্থ আছে। তবে অনেকের বন্ধু, আত্মীয় স্বজন মারা গিয়েছে।
প্যালেস্টাইনীদের উদ্দেশ্য আমরা একটা ব্যানার দিতে পারি না।
অক্ষমের ঘৃণা দেয়া ছাড়া আর কিইবা করার আছে
আপনারে আমি খুঁজিয়া বেড়াই
নির্দোষ অসহায় মানুষগুলোর জন্য দোয়া আর অমানুষ ঘাতক ইসরাইলি এবং তাদের পশ্চিমা দোসর হায়েনাগুলোর জন্য একরাশ ঘৃণা।
সংসারে প্রবল বৈরাগ্য!
লাবলু ভাই এবং সবার জন্য,আসুন আমরা সবাই যে যেখানে আছি সেখান থেকেই এর তীব্র নিন্দা ও প্রতিবাদ জানাই ।লাবলু ভাইকে ধন্যবাদ এই সুন্দর লেখার জন্য............কয়েক মাস আগে আমরা কুয়েতে geopolitics of middle east AND ITS IMPACT ON MUSLIM WORLD ..........নিয়ে একটা presentation korechilam..........power point er size onek boro.........tai sudhu ..........word document er link ta dilam.........যারা ইচ্ছুক তারা পড়ে দেখতে পারেন...........................অন্যরা বিরক্ত হবেন না প্লিজ
দোস্ত, লিঙ্ক কই?
tanvir,dosto,link দিতে ঝামেলা হচ্ছে তাই কমেন্টে পুরাটা পেপার ই দিয়ে দিলাম,ধৈর্য্য নিয়ে পড়তে হবে...............
bujhlam na dosto ,link gelo na keno,sorry
কয়েকদিন ধরেই মন বিষন্ন। আমি রাজনীতি বুঝি না বুঝতেও চাই না।
শুধু গাজায় নিহত বেসামরিক শিশু আর নারীদের কষ্টে বুক ফেটে যায়।
বড়ই ক্লিশ হয়ে গেল কমেন্ট টা। কিন্তু আর কিছু বলতে পারছি না।
গত পরশু সামুতে এক ব্লগার মেঘদলের একটা গান উৎসর্গ করেছিল। সেই গানের দুটো লাইন মাথায় বাজছে।
তাই তুলে দিলাম-
দু হাত হারিয়ে ডানাকাটা পরী যে শিশু,
শুনতে কী পাও তার চিৎকার পশ্চিমা যীশু।
লিংকের পাঁচ নম্বর গান ক্রুসেড।
শুনতে আছি গত দুই দিন।
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
1 Geopolitics, in a sense, combines the study of geography with the study of politics. Geography refers to physical landforms, size and resources while politics refers to the relations between or among states or regions. A geopolitical environment, therefore, refers to a region's political situation while considering the countries' geography, history, religion, culture, governmental structure and socio-economic situation. Geopolitical environment of Middle East has been revolving on oil for past few decades. The Middle East is not only the biggest oil producer but also the biggest player in oil reserves. The region dwarfs the rest of the world, when it comes to reserves, ensuring its prominence on the global political stage with 61.5% of the world's proved reserves and currently providing nearly one-third of the world's total. More than any other mineral in the 20th century, crude oil has been central to the shifting distribution and balance of global power.
2. During the Second World War in 1943 William Bullitt, under secretary of the Navy drafted a letter to President Roosevelt, stating, the crude petroleum of the United States (US), at either present rates of withdrawal or peace-time rates, will be totally exhausted in about 14 years – unless new reserves of major importance should be discovered. From that day the US Government began their soul search of crude petroleum all over the world. After the Second World War when the huge oil reserve of Persian Gulf was determined, the barren land and desert of Middle East took the centre stage of World politics. Though Middle East comprises of countries from Europe, Africa and Asia but oil rich countries of Middle East remains strategically, economically, politically and religiously the most sensitive arena of world affairs for past few decades. Middle East, given the vast energy resources, that form the back bone of the Western economy, influence and involvement in the Middle East has been of paramount importance for the former and current imperial and super powers, including France, Britain, US and the former Soviet Union.
3. To maintain superiority, control and influence over the region, the West has placed corrupt Arab leaders into positions of power and supported the overthrow of those that are not seen as favorable. These events made Middle East the most militarized region in the world. Suppressed people that sees US influence as a major root cause of the current problems in the Middle East has led to a rise in Islamic militancy, acts of terrorism and anti-west sentiment, anti-US in particular. Besides this hatred, in 1979, after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) launched the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA. When it began, it was meant to be the Soviet Union's Vietnam. It turned out to be much more than that. But this covert operation backfired and created a monster in the form of Al Quida and Osama Bin Laden in early 90’s. We will not enter into the conspiracy theories of 9/11 attack but 9/11 attack had major ramifications around the world, with the US declaring a War on Terrorism.
4. The present geopolitical scenario of Middle East is the picture of the unresolved conflict of Israel and Palestine, war torn Iraq and US plans to launch attack on Iran. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is most sensitive issue in the Middle East. Recent events have destroyed the “peace” processes. The US mainstream media provides a very biased view of Palestinians. Arab leaders too are criticized for not truly representing their people. Those states or organizations that have provided support, including for example, Lebanon, the Hezbollah, Syria, etc. have been branded unofficially or officially, terrorist or “rogue” states. Iraq crisis remains a vital influence on Middle East geopolitical environment. Iraq is most likely to see a protracted internal war and economic difficulties for years to come. The violent insurgency now raging is not likely to end any time soon; neither the government nor the insurgents are strong enough to win a decisive victory. US are trying hard to establish the puppet regime in Iraq as they did in Afghanistan. On the other hand Iran was described as being part of an “axis of evil” by US President George Bush, as part of his “war on terror.” The US has also accused Iran of pursuing the development of nuclear weapons, while Iran says it is only pursuing peaceful development.
5. Production of billion barrels of oil has been severely hampered over the past few years because of regional political tension and the continued uncertainty in Iraq and Iran. Issues of internal stability and geopolitical problems in the Middle East, including possible outburst of new conflicts, may keep oil prices above market equilibrium levels for much longer than in the past. Modern life is heavily dependent on this oil. Oil price goes up, food and other prices go up. This will give rise to very high inflation. Major portion of People's income will be spent on food, energy and transportation. Little money will be spent on luxury items, so corporations' businesses will contract. This will cause stagnation in economies of the muslim world and the world as a whole.
6. The aim of this presentation is to analyze the geopolitical environment of Middle East and evaluate its effect on the Muslim World.
7. The space of this presentation does not permit inclusion of all prose and cones of the Middle East. Middle East includes many countries of Asia, Europe and Africa but we have confined ourselves with the oil rich countries of Asia. The topic can not be explained with out discussing the role of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and US Middle East policy so we have included those. We have discussed geopolitics of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Arab Israel conflict to depict the geopolitics of Middle East. While highlighting the effects we gave emphasis on economical, political and social effects of geopolitics of Middle East. The topic will be discussed in the following sequence:
a. Oil of Middle East and Role of OPEC.
b. US Middle East and Oil Policy.
c. Geopolitical Environment of Middle East.
d. Impact on Muslim World.
8. To analyze the geopolitical environment of Middle East we must be aware of its unique geographical blessing- the enormous reserve of oil. The Middle East countries hold the two third oil reserve of the world. Thus to determine the best means for safeguarding their interests, individually and collectively; devising ways and means of ensuring the stabilization of prices in international oil market these countries formed an organization in the name of OPEC. It was founded by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela and was later joined by Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, and Nigeria. It was originally formed as a way for these countries to try to negotiate a better share than the 10 to 15 cents on every dollar of immense profits the giant oil multinationals were making from the marketing and sale of their oil. OPEC's presence was especially felt with the 1973 oil embargo, organized by OPEC's Arab countries as a protest of Israel's war against Egypt and Syria. During the embargo the price of oil tripled in a matter of weeks, increasing from $4 a barrel to $ 12 a barrel. However, more importantly than the increase, it was the realization by OPEC of its power over oil markets. The objectives of OPEC were determined as follows:
a Eliminating harmful and unnecessary fluctuations.
b. Giving due regard at all times to the interests of the producing nations.
c To the necessity of securing a steady income to the producing countries.
d. An efficient economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations.
e. A fair return on their capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.
9. Criticism of OPEC and It’s Middle East States.
a. OPEC accounts for about half of the world's crude oil exports and can control oil price.
b. The combination of low stocks and OPEC action to keep them low leaves the market exposed to the prospect of sudden price rises if supplies are threatened.
c. With enough spare capacity at times to be able to increase production sufficiently to offset the impact of lower prices on its own revenue. Saudi Arabia could enforce discipline by threatening to increase production.
d. There have been continuing disputes about whether member countries are actually sticking to their agreed quotas.
e. Another factor weakening the OPEC is that as oil prices have risen, reserves that were not previously worth tapping in non-OPEC countries have now become viable and Russia has become a particularly significant supplier.
f. If oil producers in the Gulf decide to increase production, it will be about three months before any extra oil reaches the market.
g. Crude oil is the only export of the Middle East countries of OPEC, making them uniquely vulnerable to world oil prices. The one thing all OPEC countries have in common is their absolute reliance on one product – oil.
10. The Eisenhower Doctrine stated that the United States is prepared to use armed forces to assist any Middle Eastern country requesting assistance against armed aggression from any country controlled by international communism. The translation of this was that no one would be allowed to dominate or have exclusive influence over the Middle East and its oil fields except the United States, and that anyone who tried would be, by definition “communist”. US foreign oil policy had been remarkably coherent and aggressive over a long period of time. American foreign oil policy always emphasized three goals:
a. The acquisition of foreign petroleum reserves.
b. The breaking down of traditional spheres of interest of competing international powers.
c. The containment of nationalism in the oil producing states.
Besides the interest of oil, US never ruled out the possibility that any of the oil rich country may turn into a superpower. As Saudi Arab, Iraq and Iran all could become a mighty force combining western military force with their unanimous wealth in the form of oil.
11. The policy of dual containment has been adopted by the Clinton administration. Dual containment had two immediate consequences - US military force had to be deployed in the Gulf for an extended period to maintain constant pressure against Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The second was US could successfully create such a hostile geopolitical environment in the middle east that all oil rich nations was forced to invest maximum on arms purchase. Profits from the sale of petroleum products are increasingly recycled back to the US through arms purchases. The strategic interests of the US have corresponded neatly with Israel's territorial ambitions for many decades. Many policy makers view a regional economic order dominated by a conservative, capital-friendly Israeli government as the best long-term prospect for US interests.
12. Bottom Line of US Policy. As we have seen, during the Cold War era, the formation of US foreign policy was cloaked in mystifying, geopolitical rhetoric. The end of that epoch establishes US hegemony in the world. Washington now possesses more resources than ever before to enforce its will and to punish those states or movements that seek to harm its interest. Now it has a predominant influence in international lending institutions such as the International Monitory Fund (IMF). Through this US can virtually micromanage the economies of developing nations and inflict severe penalties for nonconformity. US influence in multilateral forums such as the United Nations(UN), it can impose crushing economic sanctions. If such methods fail, Washington can announce unilateral trade embargoes and penalize countries that violate them. Lastly, of course, US military Might can be summoned to restore "order."
Iraq Crisis
13. In the chronological events of US ‘war on terror’ the 2003 invasion of Iraq was officially dubbed ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’, and followed by an interminable US occupation of Iraq. The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public. It was an act intended to consolidate American military and economic control of the Middle East. US objectives were:
a. Rhetoric.
(1) Comprehensive removal of the weapons of mass destruction.
(2) Global war against terrorism.
(3) Liberation of the people of Iraq.
b. Reality.
(1) Global war against Islam.
(2) Comprehensive command of the Middle East.
(3) War for oil.
(4) Siege of Islamic Iran.
(5) Protection of Israel.
14. The major geopolitical scenarios of Iraq crisis are stated below:
a. Rise of Autonomous Kurdish Region. The Kurds has established a firm position in Iraq. The city of Ibril, which is the seat of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), has all the hallmarks of a capital city. The Kurdish flag flies from all the government buildings. The Iraqi national flag is nowhere to be seen. At the airport, passports are stamped, Republic of Iraq - Kurdistan Region. All signs are prominent that an autonomous Kurdish region is on the verge of rising.
b. Oil State. Iraq has reserves of about 115 billion barrels, the world's third largest, and the development of its oil facilities is essential to help to fund the country's long-term reconstruction. To do that Iraq is seeking external help to boost output from six key oil fields and has attracted interest from leading US, Asian and European producers. Oil production is currently at its highest since the 2003 invasion. Production currently totals 2.5 million barrels a day and Iraq hopes to increase output to 2.9 million barrels by the end of 2009. The reduction in violence has helped the oil sector achieving greater stability. Recently Iraq announced it was setting up a third state-owned oil business to expand production from the Maysan region in the south east of the country.
c. Probable US Strategy.
(1) No President is going to end this war without strong backing from the Congress for doing so.
(2) Polls last fall indicated that 70 percent of registered voters think President Bush’s supplemental spending requests should be rejected or conditioned on redeployment. Congress hasn't been able to capitalize on this public sentiment to cut spending on the war.
(3) CIA reports the conduct of training for insurgents by US at the same time schooling military and police of that country resulting equally qualified opposing force which will result a prolonged bad law and order situation in war ravaged Iraq.
(4) Democratic contenders supporting of keeping some US forces in Iraq for counter-terrorism, training and diplomatic protection.
(5) These plans could easily leave upwards of 40,000 troops inside Iraq for decades, not to mention an untold number of military contractors.
Iran Crisis and the Nuclear Issue
15. Intentions of Iran, US, Security Council and IAEA. Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a country has the right to enrich its own fuel for civil nuclear power, under inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran says it is simply doing what it is allowed to do and will not use the technology to make a nuclear bomb. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stressed that Iran will not yield to international pressure. US applying pressure on its international partners to restrict their trade with Iran. Security Council and IAEA want Iran to stop all enrichment activities, including the preparation of uranium ore.
16. Sanctions Imposed on Iran. Iran is defying a demand from the Security Council that it stop the enrichment of uranium. The new offer goes as Resolution 1803 extends asset restrictions and travel bans on more Iranian individuals said to be involved in nuclear work. It bans the sale to Iran of so-called dual-use items - items which can have either a military or civilian purpose - as well as calling on governments to withdraw financial backing from companies trading with Iran, to inspect cargo going into and out of the country, and to monitor the activities of two Iranian banks.
17. Iran’s Geopolitical Scenario. Iran has been the instigator of much of the present surge in tensions over its nuclear program, taking advantage of the military and diplomatic vulnerabilities of the US. The probable consequence of Iran may be
a. The Best-Case Scenario for Iran. US military is forced to withdraw from Iraq, leaving Iran with a sphere of influence over a Shiite-dominated Iraq or a breakaway Shiite mini-state in the south, and that Iran is able to achieve nuclear-weapons capability. Were this outcome to occur, Iran would be the dominant power in the Persian Gulf region, displacing the US.
b. The Worst-Case Scenario for Iran. The US or Israel launches a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear complex, possibly associated with US military efforts at regime change.
c. In Between the Two Extreme Cases. It is a gamut of more realistic scenarios. On the favorable side, Iran would exhaust the US in southern Iraq through its support of resistance and would drag out negotiations on its nuclear program by exploiting divisions among external powers working through international agencies. On the unfavorable side, Iran would be excluded from influence in Iraq by a US-oriented regime, would suffer economic sanctions for failing to submit its nuclear program to international supervision or would feel constrained to give up that program, and would be diplomatically isolated.
18. Iran’s Liabilities.
a. US ground forces in its eastern neighbor Afghanistan and its western neighbor Iraq and US naval and air forces in the Persian Gulf. Iran is partially encircled by the US.
b. The European powers are ambivalent, subject to US pressure to bring the issue of Iran's nuclear program to the UN Security Council where sanctions could be imposed and desirous of pursuing economic interests in Iran.
c. Iran also faces a military threat from Israel, which might launch a preemptive strike.
d. Iran would still be no match for a full-scale US attack - its only effective deterrent would be nuclear weapons.
e. Iranian ambitions to create a sphere of influence in Iraq are checked not only by the US military presence, but also by divisions in Iraq's Shiite population and leadership.
19. Iran’s Assets. Counterbalancing the negatives in Iran's strategic environment has a number of assets that give it the room to maneuver necessary for pursuit of its ambitions:
a. Iran's trump card is the geopolitical fact that it is a major oil producer bordering other major oil producers. Iran would use missiles to attack Saudi or Gulf-state oil complexes.
b. The US military is overextended from its Iraq and Afghanistan missions. America's top military officers have recommended that opening up a third front in the Middle East through a strike on Iran would be "extremely stressful" for US forces.
c. Iran also has a strategic ally in Syria, which shares the same security interests and which borders Iraq on the west. Russia is a benevolent neutral, perhaps ally, providing help with Iran's nuclear program and interested in diminishing US power in the region.
d. It is possible that Iran can turn the presence of US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to its advantage. Long-standing economic and cultural interchange gives Iran footholds in the west of Afghanistan and the southeast of Iraq.
e. Harmuz Strait through which 40% sea transported oil moves towards Asia, US and even Japan.
Arab Israel Conflict
20. The Arab–Israel conflict spans roughly one century of political tensions and open hostilities. It involves the establishment of the Zionist movement and the creation of the modern State of Israel. In its early years, it also involves the establishment and independence of several Arab countries following World War I. The changing relationships between Arab nations and Israel are also intimately related. Despite involving a relatively small land area and number of casualties, the conflict has been the focus of worldwide media and diplomatic attention for decades. Many countries, individuals and non-governmental organizations elsewhere in the world feel involved in this conflict for reasons such as cultural and religious ties with Islam, Arab culture, Christianity, Judaism or Jewish culture; or for ideological, human rights, strategic or financial reasons; or because they are consistently exposed to the conflict by the media. Some consider the Arab-Israeli conflict a part of a wider clash of civilizations between the Western World and the Arab or Muslim world.
21. Before World War I, the Middle East, including Palestine, had been under the control of the Ottoman Empire for nearly 500 years. The Ottomans led many Jews and Arabs to support the allied powers during World War I.The British Government was favorable to the establishment in the Holy Land of a national home for the Jewish people as stated under the Balfour Declaration of 1917. After World War I the area came under British rule. In 1947 the UN appointed a committee composed of representatives from eleven states. The commission recommended creating a partitioned state with separate territories for the Jews and the Arabs in Palestine . In 1948, one day before the end of the British Mandate of Palestine, Israel declared its independence and sovereignty. The armies of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq invaded the territory partitioned for the Arab state, thus starting the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The War came to an end with the signing of the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and each of its Arab neighbours. In the summer of 1967 Arab leaders met in Khartoum to discuss the Arab position toward Israel. They reached consensus that there should be:
a. No recognition of the State of Israel.
b. No peace with Israel.
c. No negotiations with Israel.
22. As an attempt to halt the al-Aqsa Intifada, Israel raided facilities in major urban centers in the West Bank in 2002. Violence again swept through the region. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon began a policy of unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2003. This policy was fully implemented in August 2005. In July 2006 Hezbollah fighters crossed the border from Lebanon into Israel setting off the 2006 Lebanon War which caused much destruction in Lebanon. A UN-sponsored ceasefire went into effect on 14 August 2006 officially ending the conflict. On September 2007 in Operation Orchard, Israel bombed an eastern Syrian complex which was allegedly a nuclear reactor being built with assistance from North Korea. Israel had also bombed Syria in 2003. In April 2008 Syrian President Bashar Al Assad told a Qatari newspaper that Syria and Israel had been discussing a peace treaty for a year with Turkey as a go-between. This was confirmed in May 2008 by a spokesman for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. President Assad was quoted in the The Guardian as telling the Qatari paper:
...there would be no direct negotiations with Israel until a new US president takes office. The US was the only party qualified to sponsor any direct talks, President Assad told the paper, but added that the Bush administration "does not have the vision or will for the peace process. It does not have anything."
Saudi Arabia
23. Geopolitical Importance of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the most important oil producer and exporter in the world. Saudi Arabia officially has about 260 billion barrels of oil reserves, comprising about 21.9% of the world's proved reserves. This has a huge significance not only in geopolitical scenario of Middle East but also in the whole world. These are:
a. Saudi Arab has saved world oil markets from steeper price spikes during the Iraq-Iran war, the Gulf War and during the war on Iraq.
b. The world has been able to cope with production disruptions in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela in the past but, in case of a major and prolonged supply disruption in Saudi Arabia, the world would not be able to cope.
c. The sheer size of Saudi Arabia’s market share and production capacity, have made it a unique player in the global oil market. No other oil exporting country can rival Saudi Arabia’s position in this decade and early into the next decade.
24. Geopolitical Environment of Saudi Arabia. Saudi government intends to continue to play its unique role of moderation within OPEC. There are, however, some clouds on the internal political horizon. There are worrisome signs about future stability if reforms are not implemented soon at many levels. These are:
a. Demographic trends.
b. Inability to diversify the economy away from the capital-intensive petroleum industry.
c. Rising unemployment among Saudis.
d. An educational system which has failed the private sector.
e. Lack of popular participation in government.
f. Rising tension between traditionalism and modernism, all point in the direction of rising tension within Saudi society.
g. Islamic radicals have turned against both expatriates and Saudi officials, one cannot exclude the possibility that petroleum infrastructure could become a target in the future.
25. Geopolitical environment of other Middle East countries are almost like Saudi Arabia except the amount of oil production capability and reserves. Countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman etc are all oil rich nations and failed to diversify the economy away from the capital-intensive petroleum industry. US have significant influence on all of these states. Besides all these countries are having the problem of Monarchy.
Impact on Economy
26. Besides the high demand for continued economic expansion of the economies of China and India, the geopolitical environment of Middle East is playing a vital role for the oil price hike. The soaring cost of oil is causing growing strain to economies around the world. With prices more than doubling in the past year to $143 a barrel, the impact is being felt acutely by consumers and businesses alike. The risk of strikes and social unrest has become a reality in many countries as fuel becomes unaffordable for more people. The impacts of oil price hike to the Muslim countries are stated below:
a. Oil Rich Muslim Countries. The streets of the Gulf are coated in oil money. The evidence can be seen everywhere. The investment in mammoth projects like the huge economic cities being created in Saudi Arabia, the museums and hotels being built in Abu Dhabi and the shimmering new buildings rising up along Qatar's shores etc. These are happy times for the ruling families who own the land and seas beneath which huge amount of the world's oil lies. Some are better than others at using this excess liquidity to reinvest in their region, diversify away from oil and so better ensure their futures. The Gulf is a recruiting ground for expatriates whose home countries are faring less well in the current economic climate. But the downside is inflation. Food prices are increasing here as elsewhere and most food is imported. All Gulf countries' currencies except Kuwait are pegged to the US dollar, which is currently weak, making things worse. The increasing population is putting pressure on housing; rents have risen so much that some governments have imposed caps on increases. In short, there is too much oil money chasing too few goods and services and it is those poorest paid - the migrants from South Asia and East Asia - who are feeling it the most.
b. Muslim Countries of Africa. Nigeria is the eighth largest exporter of crude oil in the world. For every barrel of oil sold, $59 goes to the national budget; the rest goes into an account in the Central Bank. Record oil prices mean that stock of cash now stands at $12bn. The pipelines that cross the country taking fuel to depots are often sabotaged. When one is broken open, instead of running away, many people of Nigeria's slums grab whatever vessel they can and run towards the spill. This is the scenario in almost all the oil rich or highly natural resourceful Muslim countries of Africa. For all this money in the bank, ordinary Africans still suffer in poverty. Hospitals are inadequate, schools are ramshackle. Cities cannot keep up with their population growth, and many people live in slums without electricity, water or sanitation
c. Muslim Countries of South and South East Asia. All the countries of South and South East Asia facing acute crises in economy due to oil price hike. Governments of the developing countries of this region spend millions of dollars subsidizing fuel for its citizens. All these countries including Malaysian government have recently raised fuel prices in order to cut the subsidies. Bangladesh and Pakistan have both sharply raised fuel prices again as the cost of crude oil continues to soar. Diesel and kerosene are up by 37.5% a liter in Bangladesh. In Pakistan, natural gas prices rose by up to 31% one day after petrol and diesel prices went up by 10%. Rising fuel costs are contributing to higher food prices around the world. Over the past year Bangladeshis have already seen the price of staple foods like rice double - and the government is appealing for global action to curb surging crude oil prices.
Impact on Politics
27. Aftermath of Iraq Invasion.
a. Rise of Shiites. The ousting of Saddam Hussein caused discord between the Shiites and the Sunnis in Iraq, igniting the current violence between the ethnic and religious groups in the country. The government in US-liberated Baghdad, which is composed of Shiite political figures and groups with close ties to Iran and the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, has become part of what the pro-American Arab-Sunni regimes describe as a pro-Iran Shiite Crescent in the Middle East. Some of the scenarios that could result:
(1) The possible break-up of Iraq into three mini-states, including a semi-independent Kurdish region, a Shiite area that would fall under Iran's sphere of influence, and a Sunni zone that would gravitate towards its Arab-Sunni neighbors led by Saudi Arabia.
(2) The emergence of Iran with nuclear weapons as a regional hegemony in the Persian Gulf that would spread its political and religious influence into other Shiite areas in the Middle East and try to either challenge or to accommodate the interests of the US and its allies, led by Saudi Arabia.
(3) The flexing of the diplomatic, economic and military muscles of Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil-rich states in the Persian Gulf that could extend their influence into other Sunni parts of the Middle East, especially in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, launch a drive to develop an Arab-Sunni nuclear bomb and strengthen ties with the European Union and China as a way of countering US influence in the region.
(4) Growing regional and outside pressure to resolve the Israel and Palestine conflict as part of an arrangement that will include Jordan and perhaps even Egypt.
(5) Lebanon will once again become a central arena for regional power struggles.
b. Rise in Jihadist Terrorism. Europe, the Arab world and Afghanistan all saw major rises in jihadist terrorism in the period after the invasion of Iraq, while Pakistan-India and the Chechnya-Russia front saw only smaller increases in jihadist terrorism. The strength or weakness of The Iraq Effect on jihadist terrorism in a particular country seems to be influenced by four factors:
(1) If the country itself has troops in Iraq.
(2) Geographical proximity to Iraq.
(3) The degree of identification with Iraq’s Arabs felt in the country.
(4) The level of exchanges of ideas or personnel with Iraqi jihadist groups.
This may explain why jihadist groups in Europe, Arab countries, and Afghanistan were more affected by the Iraq War than groups in other regions. Europe, unlike Kashmir, Chechnya, and Southeast Asia for example, contains several countries that are part of the coalition in Iraq. It is relatively geographically close to the Arab world and has a large Arab-Muslim diaspora from which jihadists have recruited. In Egypt a Sinai-based jihadist group carried out coordinated bombing attacks on Red Sea resorts popular with Western tourists at Taba in October 2004, at Sharm el-Sheikh in July 2005, and at Dahab in April 2006, killing a total of more than 120.
28. Effect of Israel-Palestine Conflict. Israel has been in the centre stage of 7 wars against muslim countries in last 50 years. The illegal existance of Israel coupled with the sufferings and deprivation of Palestine people influenced many muslim countries to wage war against Israel. Whenever a muslim country grew formidable military strengh, Israel were there to launch an immediate attack on the plea of Neuclear threat. We simply can not rule out the possible invasion of Israel in Iran neuclear facility as Israel has carried out an exercise that appears to have been a rehearsal for an attack. More than 100 Israeli fighter jets took part in maneuvers over the eastern Mediterranean and over Greece in the first week of June 2008. To add to this growing speculation of possible attack Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned on 4 June that drastic measures were needed to stop Iran obtaining nuclear weapons.
29. Effect of Iran Crisis. There are some common factors which we discussed in the effect of Iraq and Israel effect. These are shiite situation and probable Israel strike on Iran’s neuclear facility. If so happned then Iran wont have any option left but to strike the Saudi Arabia’s oil infrustracture; which would not only destabilze the US economy but the world as a whole.
Impact on Social Life
30. Muslim Nation’s Identity Crisis. The western mainstream media of the world has portrayed Islam and the Muslim world often in negative and misleading terms thus contributing to the erosion of an Islamic identity. After the 9/11 attack western media portrayed Muslim nations as axis of evil and Muslims as terrorist. They are in constant persuasion to diminish the sole entity of the Muslim world. This image crisis is affecting every aspect of Muslim countries. Huge amount of bank transaction has become extremely difficult due to constant monitoring of western intelligence. Even Muslim citizens of western countries are facing racial discrimination in every area of livelihood, education etc. Another conspiracy of western intelligence and media are to portray modern leaders and elites of the Muslim countries either agents of foreign powers or elements through which new systems of colonialism and ideological politics were imposed on society. Thus, create a constant unrest in the socio-political scenario amongst the people and government.
31. The space does not permit laying out all the evidence and details of the analysis of geopolitics in Middle East and there after the impact on Muslim World. The Middle East is often dazzling in its dramatic daily events, colorful personalities and passionately held ideologies. Apparently unique phenomena like the Arab-Israeli conflict or radical Islam overwhelm analytical senses, making the area either seem incomprehensible or ensuring that it can be seriously misunderstood.
32. The geographical blessing, i.e. the two third oil reserve of the world is the dominating factor of Middle East geopolitics. To determine the best ways for their interest and ensuring stabilized international oil prize the Middle East countries formed OPEC. OPEC is holding 40 percent of world’s production and 50 percent share of oil available for export. The dual containing policy of US about Iraq and Iran was a result of new world order in which US finds itself as the sole remaining superpower. Due to the duel containment policy US force had to be deployed in the Gulf for an extended period to maintain constant pressure against Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. It created such a hostile geopolitical environment in the Middle East that all oil rich nations were forced to invest maximum on arms purchase.
33. The US invasion of Iraq which officially dubbed `Operation Iraq Freedom, was one of the series of events of US `war on terror` followed by an interminable occupation of Iraq. Iran seemed to be the most dominating Islamic state in Middle East at these present days. Iran is saying it is simply doing what is allowed to do under the NPT and will not use the technology to make a nuclear bomb. Iran may go for wars with its all liabilities and assets as President Mohammad Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stressed that Iran will not yield to international pressure. Saudi Arabia having 260 billion barrels of oil reserves comprising about 21.9% of the worlds proved reserves has a huge significance not only in geopolitical scenario of Middle East but also in the whole world. Geopolitical environment of other Middle East countries are almost like Saudi Arabia except the amount of oil production capability and reserves.
34. Middle East always plays a vital role in the over all economy of the world specially in the oil price hike. With prices more than doubling in the past year to $ 143 a barrel, the impact is being felt acutely by the consumers and businesses alike. Energy experts are now concerned any conflict in Iran could lead to a greater crisis in the oil price hike and world economy as a whole. In the present geopolitical situation maximum states of Middle East are thinking to diversify away from oil to ensure their better futures. The scenario in almost all the oil rich or highly resourceful Muslim countries of Africa is also bad. All the countries of South and South East Asia facing acute crisis in economy due to oil price hike.
35. The government of US-liberated Baghdad, which is composed of Shiite political figure, may become the backdrop of possible break-up of Iraq into three mini states, including a semi-independent Kurdish region, a Shiite area and a Sunni zone. The major rises of jihad’s terrorism are clearly seen in the period after the invasion of Iraq. On the other side if Israel strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities then Iran won’t have any option left but strike the Saudi Arabia oil infrastructure which would not only destabilize the US economy but the world as a whole. Isreal has been in the centre stage of 7 wars against muslim countries in last 50 years. The illegal existance of isreal coupled with the sufferings and deprivation of Palestine people influenced many muslim countries to wage war against Isreal.
36. The western mainstream media of the world has portrayed Islam and the Muslim world often in negative and misleading terms thus contributing to the erosion of an Islamic identity. Therefore, contradictory images of national, ethnic, racial, and sectarian identities portrayed in the media not only have been the major obstacles to the formation of a cohesive Islamic identity both on national and regional levels but also have had a deteriorating impact in the mobilization and assimilation of the population in the developmental process.
আমি জানতাম, যে কষ্টে আমি জ্বলছিলাম সেটা আমাদের সবাইকেই পোড়াচ্ছিল। আজ সারাদিনই অফিসের বাইরে বেশ কয়েকটি মিটিং ছিল। সন্ধ্যার পর ব্লগে লগইন করে অনেকক্ষণ হতবাক হয়ে ছিলাম। আমাদের প্রিয় ব্লগটার থিম পাল্টে গেছে, সেখানে উড়ছে প্যালেস্টাইনি পতাকা। গাজায় গণহত্যা বন্ধের আহ্বান জানানো হয়েছে। সিসিবির অনেকেই তাদের প্রোফাইলে যুক্ত করেছে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে নির্যাতিত, নিপীড়িত, দশকের পর দশক ধরে গণহত্যা আর ধ্বংসযজ্ঞের শিকার ফিলিস্তিনি জনতার প্রাণের প্রিয় পতাকা।
আশির দশকে আমরা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে নিয়মিতভাবেই দেশের সামরিক শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে, প্যালেস্টাইনি জনতা, দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার কালো মানুষদের পক্ষে প্রতিবাদ-সমাবেশ, সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন করতাম। কলা ভবনের সামনে অপরাজেয় বাংলার পাদদেশে, টিএসসি সড়কদ্বীপে, শহীদ মিনারে এসব অনুষ্ঠানে কবি-সাহিত্যিক-শিল্পীরা যোগ দিতেন।
আজ আমার আবার রাস্তায় নামতে ইচ্ছে হচ্ছে। কিন্তু গাজা ইস্যু তো ঢাকায় মোল্লারা দখল করে রেখেছে! শেখ হাসিনা কি পারেন না, গাজায় গণহত্যার প্রতিবাদে একদিন সারাদেশে একটা কর্মসূচি দিতে। হয়তো দেশের লাখো মানুষ রাস্তায় নেমে ৫ মিনিট নিরবতা পালন করবেন। শেষ হাসিনা নিজেও দাঁড়াবেন জনতার সঙ্গে।
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
হাজার ছাড়িয়েছে বিশ্ব মিডিয়ার হিসাবে নিহতের সংখ্যা
আসল হিসাব নিশ্চয়ই আরো বেশি 🙁
এই গণহত্যার অনাচারের বিচার কি হবে! 🙁
সংসারে প্রবল বৈরাগ্য!
ঘৃণা জানাই মিশর আর আরব দেশগুলোর (সিরিয়া বাদে) নেতাদের বিরুদ্ধে। গাজার সাধারণ মানুষকে রক্ষার জন্য মিশর তার সীমান্ত খুলে দেয়নি এখনো। ওরা একটা করিডোর দিতে পারতো। নপুংসক মোবারকের জন্য একদলা থুথু।
ইসরাইলিরা চারদিক থেকে পিষে মারছে প্যালেস্টাইনিদের। হয়তো হামাস ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে, কিন্তু এবারের গণহত্যা যে বিশ্বজুড়ে লাখ লাখ আত্মঘাতি যোদ্ধা তৈরি করবে তাতে কোনো সন্দেহ নাই।
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
আছি সঙ্গে
সৈয়দ সাফী
ধন্যবাদ ওবায়দুল্লাহ। তোমাকেও :salute:
"মানুষে বিশ্বাস হারানো পাপ"
দেরী হয়ে গেল। তবু চেঞ্জ করে ফেলছি প্রোফাইল। আজ থেকে আমি প্যালেস্টাইন। :thumbup:
পালটে দেবার স্বপ্ন আমার এখনও গেল না